MobilityWorks Blog

10 Tips to Stay Healthy Around the Holidays

November 21, 2019
Tangerines, walnuts and hazelnuts decorated with pine cones and branches

The holiday season can be a difficult time to stay feeling healthy. Between the delicious foods and sugary sweets, it’s hard to stick to healthy eating habits. The colder weather can also bring unwanted colds and flus. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, or want to make any changes to your […]

8 Wheelchair Accessible Activities in South Florida

November 12, 2019
Walk to Snook Island Florida

With colder weather moving in throughout much of the country, many people are looking for a warmer place to travel to. Florida offers an exciting range of activities, from popular theme parks around Orlando, to the many beach towns on the gulf and in the panhandle. If you’re looking for a place that offers a […]

Meet Ms. Wheelchair Tennesse 2019

November 4, 2019
Ms. Wheelchair America Finalists on the stage

Cyndi Leach, Ms. Wheelchair Tennessee 2019, was 3rd  runner-up during this year’s Ms. Wheelchair America 2020 competition. At the age of two, Cyndi was left paralyzed as a result of Polio. She grew up seeing the examples set by her father, a WWII veteran who was left paralyzed on his right side after being wounded […]

Halloween Candy Through the Decades

October 31, 2019
Candy bars

A form of Halloween has been celebrated since ancient times, when the Celts would celebrate the end of harvest and usher in the beginning of winter. Immigration during the second half of the 19th century helped to establish the distinctly American Halloween traditions we have today. Since the 1920s, trick-or-treating has become a delicious tradition […]

7 Easy and Accessible Halloween Costumes

October 24, 2019
jack-o-lanterns and a full moon

With Halloween right around the corner, time is running out to get your costume ready. Stores such as Target and Spirit Halloween have recently started selling adaptive Halloween costumes that are very cute and easy to use. However you may prefer to create your own, which can sometimes take hours and require a high level […]

Accessibility Enhanced Winnebago Motorhomes

October 17, 2019
Winnebago Adventurer with a wheelchair lift

Winnebago Industries has worked for over 60 years to create a variety of products that help people to explore the outdoor lifestyle, from their famous RV’s to smaller travel trailers. More than three decades of that time has been spent on producing personal customizations to allow for optimized accessibility. They are continuously adding unique features […]

Resources for Job Seekers: National Disability Employment Awareness Month 2019

October 10, 2019
man in wheelchair working in manufacturing shop

Each year, the Department of Labor sets a theme for National Disability Employment Awareness Month, held annually in October. This year’s theme is “The Right Talent, Right Now”, calling attention to the significant benefits individuals with disabilities can provide the workplace. Whether you’re looking for a job, seeking to understand your rights, or wanting help […]

10 Accessible Things to do in Dallas and Fort Worth

October 3, 2019
Dallas-Arboretum Fall display of pumpkins and gourds

The Dallas-Ft. Worth metroplex is known as a hub of art and culture, incredible food, endless shopping, famous sports teams, and interesting history. The cities are home to over 7.4 million people, the most of any city in the south. There are always new things to see and do, no matter how long your stay […]

8 Accessible Haunted Locations in the United States

September 26, 2019
exterior of the Ohio State Reformatory

All across the country, spooky stories and historic legends have led certain places to be widely considered as haunted. A visit to any of these places is sure to scare you into the right mood for Halloween. Whether or not any paranormal activities actually occur there is something you’ll have to decide on for yourself. […]

Able’s Journey to Becoming a Service Dog

September 19, 2019
service dog with people sitting around it

September is National Service Dog Month, a time celebrating the efforts of these incredible working animals. Throughout the United States, there are over 500,000 service dogs helping people to live independent lives. For almost two years, we have been able to follow the journey of one of these very special dogs. In Fall of 2017, […]