Meet Ms. Wheelchair America 2025: Tamara Blackwell

Tamara Blackwell, Ms. Wheelchair America 2025


Tamara Blackwell of Kansas was crowned in August as the new Ms. Wheelchair America 2025! In a recent interview, Tamara shared her inspiring journey rooted in faith, resilience and a deep desire to make a difference for the wheelchair community and beyond.

Tamara’s path to the crown began in Kansas during the pandemic in 2020, when, like many of us, she turned to social media. She began sharing her life experiences online—showing how she transferred in and out of her wheelchair, how she cooked, did laundry and managed daily tasks. “I needed to do more. I realized there was more I could do than just social media,” she reflects. It was during this time that Tamara came across the Ms. Wheelchair Kansas program. Though tempted to put off participating until a later year, the words of the Kansas coordinator, Carrie, resonated with her: “You may not have later.” And with that, she decided to give it a chance, sending in her application just before the final deadline.

Tamara’s motivation for the Ms. Wheelchair America competition didn’t come from winning a crown but from representing her community and her faith. “I went to nationals thinking, ‘God, I want to do well for You, to represent Kansas as best I can, and to do well for myself,’” she recalls. She humbly admits, “I didn’t have the most phenomenal speech, I stuttered over my words, but at the end of the day, they called my name as the winner. I still can’t believe this is my life.”

Now, as Ms. Wheelchair America 2025, Tamara’s mission is to be visible. “They need to see me where they expect to see me, like at the Abilities Expos, but they also need to see me doing other things, like going to universities and speaking at their diversity and inclusion events. Also, being at regular things like football games, things that are not necessarily labeled for the disabled community,” she says. For Tamara, representation isn’t just about showing up at disability-focused events; it’s about changing the narrative. “Sometimes people think we don’t want to eat at restaurants or go to the rodeo or go to concerts. So those are the places you will see me. I think that when you see someone you can connect with, it will change your perspective and maybe you’ll go to an event next time instead of staying at home.”

One of the impacts Tamara hopes to make is through her advocacy work. She regularly attends city council meetings and visits her state capital, but she knows that real change also comes from community involvement. “Sometimes you’re going to need somebody to sign your petition, someone to participate in your hashtag. When you’re building connections in the community, that will help when you want to push for legislation because you’ll have that community to back you and say, ‘We need to do better in these areas.’” she says. Tamara is passionate about addressing accessibility in public spaces, from fully accessible parking to making sure ramps and buttons meet the needs of everyone – not only for wheelchair users, but even mothers with strollers who need an extra hand to open a door, or senior citizens who find it difficult to use the stairs. “Those minor tweaks aren’t just for us, they really benefit the whole community.”

Tamara’s message to young people in the wheelchair community is simple but powerful: “Live out loud.” She encourages people to accept the invitations, go to the game, go to dinner, and enjoy life without worrying about “being in the way.” She says, “It’s not necessarily that our disability limits us, it’s the environment that limits us because society isn’t designed with people like us in mind.”

Tamara’s story reminds us that each of us has the power to make a difference. As the exclusive transportation sponsor for the Ms. Wheelchair America competition, we’re honored to share her journey and are inspired by her efforts to create a world where everyone, regardless of ability, is seen, heard and included.

You can follow Tamara on Facebook to keep up with her journey over the next year as Ms. Wheelchair America 2025!