Tips for Spring Cleaning and Organizing

With warmer weather and brighter skies rolling in, it often brings the reminder that your house has gotten musty through the winter months. While cleaning may not be everyone’s favorite activity, there are ways to get it done quickly and to have fun while doing it. Below are some tips to make sure you stay on track and get your house back to sparkling clean.

  1. Set Aside a Time
    Designating a specific time holds you accountable and makes sure no last-minute excuses come up. This also gives you time to recruit helpers or to encourage your family members to join in.
  2. Make it a Family Event
    This is the perfect opportunity to set aside a few hours for your whole family to do something together. Putting on your favorite music and making it seem as fun as possible can help persuade everyone to join in- which will help it go by quicker too.
  3. Set Goals and Rewards
    If your friends or family still aren’t convinced to help out, setting up rewards could be the best solution. Buying their favorite dinner and renting a movie, or having another fun activity planned, also makes sure they stick through with things until they are completed.
  4. Buy the Right Tools for You
    Since everyone has a different level of mobility, buying the right tools will help make sure the cleaning is easy to do. For example, a lightweight vacuum or two-in-one mop and vacuum can save valuable time and energy. Extender poles for dusters can also help everyone reach into every corner that collects dust. Storage bins and baskets that fit on your shelves or in your drawers can help you to start organizing too.
  5. Make a Checklist
    Writing down everything that needs done helps you organize and divvy up your allotted time for cleaning. It will help keep you on track and make sure everything that needs to be done is completed before you put your tools away. It also will help to see the things that will take a long time to complete, so you can get a head start on finishing those tasks.
  6. Declutter
    Before anything can be wiped down or disinfected, going through and getting rid of things you don’t use can help save your time and space. Old clothes, appliances, furniture, and more can be donated to many places, or sold in a garage sale, putting your belongings to great use.
  7. Organize as You Go
    If it’s always hard to find things when you need them, this may be an extra important step for you. As you’re cleaning your cabinets and drawers, taking a little extra time to go through and organize them can help keep you find your things during the upcoming months. Your new storage containers can be put to great use during this step, but other unused containers, bins, and jars can also be easily re-purposed for this use.
  8. Go Room by Room
    Setting a time limit for each room with small breaks in between can help keep you on track and motivated during you entire time cleaning. Setting a goal and reward for each room individually can also help to ensure that each are cleaned to your desire. Starting with the rooms you don’t use often can also help, as these are usually cleaned less often during the year.


While cleaning may be a necessity rather than a fun activity for most people, there are ways to help it go by quickly and painlessly. Plus, once it’s all complete, it will feel so refreshing and exciting to see all that you and your family accomplished!