Disability Grant Assistance and Resources in Missouri

In Missouri, there are different agencies and non-profits that have various programs designed to help people in need of adaptive driving equipment or wheelchair transportation. Below are just some of the more prominent groups that we have been able to identify in helping our website visitors with finding financial assistance.

It is our wish that every American who needs assistance can find the help they need. If you know of additional resources, please let us know. We will be glad to add organizations that are helping the disabled community or our special needs families with grant opportunities. If you have any questions, contact MobilityWorks today.


Missouri Department of Public SAFETY-Veterans Commission

Through the Veterans Service Program, accredited Veterans Service Officers (VSO) and Veterans Service Assistants (VSA) provide counseling and assistance to thousands of Veterans and their dependents throughout the state.

Contact Information:

205 Jefferson Street- 12th FL Jefferson Building
P.O. Drawer 147
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Phone: 573-751-3779
Toll Free: 866-838-4636
Website: https://mvc.dps.mo.gov

State of Missouri Disability Portal

This portal provides helpful information and links for a variety of services.

Contact Information:

Truman State Office Building
301 W. High Street- Room 840
P.O. Box 1668
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Toll Free: 800-877-8249
Phone: 573-751-2600
Fax: 573-526-4109
Website: https://disability.mo.gov/

Missouri Assistive Technology

The mission of Missouri Assistive Technology is to increase access to assistive technology for Missourians with all types of disabilities, of all ages. Programs and initiatives of Missouri Assistive Technology are directed by the Missouri Assistive Technology Council.

Contact Information:

1501 NW Jefferson St.K
Blue Springs, MO 64015
Phone: 816-655-6700
TTY: 816-655-6711
Fax: 816-655-6710
Website: https://at.mo.gov/index.html